Dr. Isabelle Desbiens
Physical medicine and rehabilitation (RAMQ covered)
care of performing artists and musicians

how to make an appointment
This is a university medical clinic; there are no fees, and medical assessments are covered by RAMQ. You can make an appointment directly, without referral from a doctor or therapist. All medical assessments are confidential. I evaluate artists at the Sports and Exercise Medicine Clinic of the University of Sherbrooke in Longueuil. The clinic is accessible via Metro Longueuil and there is accessible indoor parking. As a clinical teaching professor, it is possible that medical students, residents in general medicine or residents in sports medicine will accompany me. Like all doctors, they ensure professionalism and confidentiality towards the artists and the problems assessed.
Contact my secretary at 450-463-1835 ext. 61178 or by email at cmse@usherbrooke.ca
bring the results of past investigations if relevant
bring your musical instrument to the appointment if possible or a video demonstrating your artistic performances, mainly those that are problematic or cause pain